Graham rockin his sunglasses from Aunt Angel and her sweet family!
Graham has added many words to his vocabulary these past few weeks. So far we are up to the following:
*UH-HO (everything right now is UH-HO) sometimes he will drop something just so he can say it.
*Da (meaning Dada, which also is used for ceiling, tree, car, fan and many other things!) Da is his go-to word!
*Ma (occasionally...but not nearly enough!)
*Fish (because we often visit them while at the Zoo) *Ca and *at (a.k.a. Cat--just too much work to combine them, I suppose)
*Balloon (unless you are an expert you can't tell moon from balloon as both involved full cheeks and a grunt in the back of his throat)
*Turtle (go figure, kid won't crawl but Turtle was one of this first 3 words to say!) :)
Each word comes with some sort of hand signal/swipe/air grab and or a very silly face. He is such a doll to just sit and watch. He will get ahold of a book and just 'read' it using all of his words.
We are excited to visit with Grammy and Papaw this weekend and next week! They will be here for almost a week and a half and I don't know whos more excited Brandon or Graham. I looked over last night and the 2 were playing on the floor, Brandon with a plastic telephone up to his ear saying 'oohhh, Hi Papaw...what? You want to talk to Graham? Hold on please. Graham, it's Papaw he is coming to see you and needs to discuss plans.' So precious!
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