Well Graham has finally decided it's time to get a move on! He gets bored just sitting and only getting to play with the toys that are within arms reach. I don't spoil him like I used to either and come running everytime he grunts for something just outside of his grasp.
So this has lead to him going from sitting, up onto his knees. For the past few weeks he has been having trouble getting his left foot past his right knee, which is down on the ground but he's starting to work this little 'issue' out. Yesterday and today he rocked forward, pushing his foot around his grounded knee and lunged ahead with his upper body! He's getting so close. :)
His arm is still amazingly powerful and getting better every day. It might not be the best practice, but we'll tell him 'Get Kitty' and he's chuck whatever happens to be in his hand across the room and usually come within 2-3 feet of Grace. I keep saying if anything will get him to crawl it will be her because he LOVES to watch her and she's as sassy as ever and will just prance right next to him...just out of reach. She'll have a big surprise come her way the day he does learn to crawl and she trots by him like a little Princess!

Graham LOVES birds! I have never seen anyone be as obsessed with anything (except for maybe me with manatees) as this kid is with birds! The second we step outside it's eyes to the sky and that pointer finger out. 'Beeeaaassss, bbeeaasss' which means birds, but sounds like a combination of bees and please comes out of his mouth like 1000x a minute. He can spot a tiny bird far away and he'll keep his eye on that thing till it's out of sight. He's precious when he hears one and he flings his head around to find it 'bbeeasssss!'
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