Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Graham!

Graham's very own Birthday Cake!!

Here get a bite too!

The water in the tub was so blue after his bath. :)

It was a wonderful day spend with friends and family. Graham got some really exciting new toys that he LOVES to play with. He also got some much needed pj's and a swim suit since he was quickly outgrowing his others. I was putting away small clothes last week and once agian was shocked at how much he as grown.

We went to the doc for his one year check up and he actually hasn't grown much in the last 3 months. He spent the first 9 months in the mid to upper 90th percentile and then dropped down to the the mid 40th percentile! It was scary, but he still is very healthy. I think part of it is that he has a new nurse and the other tended to 'stretch' him when she would get his length. When I mentioned it to his doctor she laughed, agreed and said it was funny that I noticed something like that. :) Gotta watch out for my boy.

At the same doc appt she suggested physical therapy since he is still not crawling or walking. That was really hard to hear, but I know he is a little behind in this area. He has developed so much in other areas (throwing, 'talking', chewing) but just not in being mobile. I know he will crawl and walk when he is ready, but I might try the therapy a few times to learn some exercises that we can do to help him along.

I know that having stomach problems hurt his development path because we cut tummy time way back around 6-7 months when he was having so much trouble. His little tummy hurt so much and he would just scream and scream when we would try to put him down on it. He is starting to pull up on things a little and roll from sitting over onto his knees when he wants a toy that is just out of reach. Seeing these things are very exciting for us, since it shows he is finally ready to move towards moving. :)


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