Me thinking to self: YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!! I'm not even back to bed yet! Oh can't way.....oh my gosh...did my water just break???? No, he's not due for another 6 days therefore, my water did not just break. Ok, back to bed...after I use the bathroom again.
The next two days were a blur. Lots of nurses, doctors, delivery of yucky meals, visitors and not much sleep. They would come and take Graham to the nursery area for tests/rest time for us and I would miss him terribly. He would come back and we would just stare at him and hold him for hours. It was such a special time for us to bond as a family but we were really anxious to get home.
Leaving the hospital was the strangest feeling ever. It was a combination of 'what now?' and 'oh my gosh, this is the first day of the rest of our lives!' I couldn't help but tear up as we strapped him in his little seat, loaded our balloons in the car and drove off. I was happier and prouder in that one moment than I had ever been in my life.
Graham was welcomed home with open paws...
I just want to say thank you to all of you who have been involved in this past year. Whether is our amazing family who has flown and drove all over the country to see us or allowed us with all of our baby paraphanalia into your homes. We love you all and couldn't have done it without you and your support.
Friends who have been as crutial as family, espeically since we don't have family here in Florida. Thank you to all of our friends for being great and loving Graham from before he was even born.
One friend in particular has made this past year possible. Jamie, I love you and would be lostwithout you and your friendship. You have taken time off work, given up job opportunities, skipped dates with boys, drive across Brevard County countless times, run the most riduclous errands with me and just listened when I needed a friend. I am so excited to walk along side of you as you experience the joys I have gone though in finding your soul mate and starting your own family. I love you LDT. ;)
Auntie Lindsey and Papa Smirk. Thank you for adopting Brandon, Graham and I as part of your family. Thank you for our riducously fun vacations and family game nights. Thank you for loving Graham as if he were your own child. We are so excited for the journey you have ahead and so thankful to be a part of it. You guys will be wonderful parents and Graham can't wait to have cousins. :)
Ok, I am going to end this entry before the blog site tells me that it's too long and I'm forced to remove something. Thanks for taking the time to read it and recap this last year with me! :)
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