Monday, November 1, 2010

Yummy peaches in my tummy!

So Graham is taking to 'solids' very nicely. We started with veggies (cause all the books and Doctor said to) and he did ehhh, ok. Green beans, not so much. Squash could have done with or without. Sweet potatoes and carrots-big fan. But let me just tell you...when we got out the peaches the boy went CRAZY!!!!! He sits there with his mouth wide open and grunts because we can't shovel them in fast enough. It's absolutely hilarious. It's a struggle to get him to finish one serving of a vegetable but he will eat 2 servings of peaches or banana and beg for more! :) So I guess he did interit the Palmer sweet tooth!

Yesterday we went back to Sea World and it was so fun to see how he's changed. He was so much more observant than our previous trips. Needless to say he didn't take one nap and once we got home of course it was time to suit up in his tiger costume and hand out candy to the neighborhood kids, so he slept like a champ last night! :) Thanks to Gram and Papaw for the LSU gear. Brandon and I rocked our awesome Nike DryFit LSU shirts and Graham was adorable in his tiger outfit. We got lots of comments at SeaWorld and again at home last night about our team selection.

Still no desire to crawl, but it's all good. We tried to put him on his hands and knees the other day but he just froze and then started to cry. I think it was because it was such a new feeling for him. I've heard that once they start to get it, they take off though. I'm in no rush, I love being the hero when he wants a toy that he can't reach. He looks up at me with those eyes and gives me a big smile and all is right with the world. :)

We are taking our (his) first plane ride on Wednesday. We've got some family to visit in Maryland. Uncle Dave and Gregory have never met Graham and Becky hasn't seen him since he was first born she they are in for a big treat! I am really excited to see lots of my girls from high school. Many of them it's been 10 years since we've seen each other and that is entirely too long! :) We are flying in the evening and it's a direct flight, so I hope to give him a snack and then snuggle him while he naps. Otherwise, I hope the person next to me likes smiles and happy squeals. We'll see.


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