Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Graham!

Graham's very own Birthday Cake!!

Here get a bite too!

The water in the tub was so blue after his bath. :)

It was a wonderful day spend with friends and family. Graham got some really exciting new toys that he LOVES to play with. He also got some much needed pj's and a swim suit since he was quickly outgrowing his others. I was putting away small clothes last week and once agian was shocked at how much he as grown.

We went to the doc for his one year check up and he actually hasn't grown much in the last 3 months. He spent the first 9 months in the mid to upper 90th percentile and then dropped down to the the mid 40th percentile! It was scary, but he still is very healthy. I think part of it is that he has a new nurse and the other tended to 'stretch' him when she would get his length. When I mentioned it to his doctor she laughed, agreed and said it was funny that I noticed something like that. :) Gotta watch out for my boy.

At the same doc appt she suggested physical therapy since he is still not crawling or walking. That was really hard to hear, but I know he is a little behind in this area. He has developed so much in other areas (throwing, 'talking', chewing) but just not in being mobile. I know he will crawl and walk when he is ready, but I might try the therapy a few times to learn some exercises that we can do to help him along.

I know that having stomach problems hurt his development path because we cut tummy time way back around 6-7 months when he was having so much trouble. His little tummy hurt so much and he would just scream and scream when we would try to put him down on it. He is starting to pull up on things a little and roll from sitting over onto his knees when he wants a toy that is just out of reach. Seeing these things are very exciting for us, since it shows he is finally ready to move towards moving. :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

The best year of my life

It has been exactly one year since God has blessed us with the most amazing joy of our lives. I wanted to take a minute to recap that exciting day. I hope you enjoy it...

Approximately 5:45 AM:
Me thinking to self: Really?? I just finally got comfortable and fell asleep! I don't want to get up and waddle to the bathroom again. I have to be up early for work to do interviews. Whatever, here goes.

Approximately 5:47 AM:
Me thinking to self: YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!! I'm not even back to bed yet! Oh can't way.....oh my gosh...did my water just break???? No, he's not due for another 6 days therefore, my water did not just break. Ok, back to bed...after I use the bathroom again.

Approximately 6:05: Ok these cramps are stupid and need to go away.

Approximately 6:15: These cramps are not going away. Should I wake up Brandon? No, I'm fine.

Approximately 6:23: One more cramp like that and I'm waking him up.

Approximately 7 more 'cramps' like that: Ok...I'm waking him up.

Approximately 6:57: 'Uuhhh Baby, you might wanna wake up. I feel funny.'

Brandon at Approximately 6:58: 'Oh my gosh, we're gonna have a baby' (Flies out of bed, is dressed, has his teeth brushed and face washed by 6:59.)

I decide to take a shower because all the books I had read warned me that once your at the hospital, your stuck and probably stuck in a bed. I don't want to be stuck in a bed with myself without showering!

As I shower Brandon puts my bag (which has been packed for a month) in the car and begins packing his own bag (which I have been reminding him to pack for a month).

Approximately 7:12: We are now on I-95N. Brandon needs to run by his school to put out lesson plans for a substitute. We are nearing the hospital exit first, I'm having a serious contraction. I scream at him that theres no time...this baby is coming NOW! Contraction ends and I laugh and tell him to go on to EGHS. We pass the hospital exit and another contraction comes. I start dare he make me go to the school. Does he hate me and our unborn (but not for long!) child? OOOUUUCCCHHH!!! Contraction ends and I laugh and tell him noooo, it's ok you don't have to cross the emergency median 5 minutes ago, shoot we might not even have this baby today. I'm fine.

Another contraction comes while in the school parking lot. It's dark, parking lot is empty except for the random car that pulls up next to my passenger window. Strange man in a suit is looking in at me. I'm convulsing and screaming in a car by myself. Where is that husband of mine anyway? Come to find out...that was Brandon's department head. Awesome.

Brandon returns and I'm mid contraction. In an oh so sweet voice kindly remind him that his 15 hour errand to his classroom (in reality it wasn't even 15 minutes but I wasn't exactly being rational at this point) he had better have Googled how to deliver a baby because he was about to do it! Contraction passes and I suggest going to breakfast.
Twenty minutes later we are at the hospital. I tell him to park in the lot, I'm fine to walk across the street instead of using the 'mom in labor drive thru/drop off zone.' Mid way across the parking lot I feel Graham trying to sneak out my belly button. I'm dying. I'll be in the bushes dead if you need me. Thanks. Contraction ends. I skip into the maternity wing of the hospital.

Upstairs they take their time getting me to a room, thinking I'm in too good of a mood to be in labor...contraction returns and they make a room available REAL fast! Darn, I don't get the room with the jacuzzi tub. Oh well, turns out my water has already broken. Did that at 5:45 during my repeated bathroom trips.

My sweet nurse asks waaaayyy too many questions and pokes my arm like 5 million times but she starts making the arrangements to get the anestheologist (sp?) up with my epidural, so I forgive her.
Graham is a natural basketball fan so it was no surprise when the doctor (not my regular OB) came in and immediately started talking hoop with Brandon. It was the first weekend of march Madness and why talk about the baby we are about to deliver when we can talk brackets? Now I can't sit here and say it was all Brandon because I take my bracketology very serious so I was just as guilty as the next guy. Maybe I was too relaxed because an hour or so later when I had been pushing for 30 or 45 minutes and it was time for Graham to make his appearance the doc was nowhere to be seen. Turned out later he was down in the lounge watching the game. Go figure. Doctor almost missed the birth of a child he was supposed to deliver because of a baskeball game. At least Brandon was there cheering me on (or maybe he was cheering for the game playing over in the corner of the room. :)

Either way, it was a fairly easy delivery. The epidural was a no brainer. I'm no hero. I mean I'll give mad props to you ladies who want to endure that pain, but not this girl! If/when Graham gets a sibling, it will be with the assistance of an epidural then too.

Push push push, and here he little 7lb, 3oz angel. I remember that first cry. I don't think I will ever forget it. I wanted to hold him and love him and make everything in his little world perfect, because he just done that for me.

The next two days were a blur. Lots of nurses, doctors, delivery of yucky meals, visitors and not much sleep. They would come and take Graham to the nursery area for tests/rest time for us and I would miss him terribly. He would come back and we would just stare at him and hold him for hours. It was such a special time for us to bond as a family but we were really anxious to get home.

Leaving the hospital was the strangest feeling ever. It was a combination of 'what now?' and 'oh my gosh, this is the first day of the rest of our lives!' I couldn't help but tear up as we strapped him in his little seat, loaded our balloons in the car and drove off. I was happier and prouder in that one moment than I had ever been in my life.

Graham was welcomed home with open paws...

I just want to say thank you to all of you who have been involved in this past year. Whether is our amazing family who has flown and drove all over the country to see us or allowed us with all of our baby paraphanalia into your homes. We love you all and couldn't have done it without you and your support.

Friends who have been as crutial as family, espeically since we don't have family here in Florida. Thank you to all of our friends for being great and loving Graham from before he was even born.

One friend in particular has made this past year possible. Jamie, I love you and would be lostwithout you and your friendship. You have taken time off work, given up job opportunities, skipped dates with boys, drive across Brevard County countless times, run the most riduclous errands with me and just listened when I needed a friend. I am so excited to walk along side of you as you experience the joys I have gone though in finding your soul mate and starting your own family. I love you LDT. ;)

Auntie Lindsey and Papa Smirk. Thank you for adopting Brandon, Graham and I as part of your family. Thank you for our riducously fun vacations and family game nights. Thank you for loving Graham as if he were your own child. We are so excited for the journey you have ahead and so thankful to be a part of it. You guys will be wonderful parents and Graham can't wait to have cousins. :)

Ok, I am going to end this entry before the blog site tells me that it's too long and I'm forced to remove something. Thanks for taking the time to read it and recap this last year with me! :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mini photo shoot--FL style

These past few days are the reason we live in Florida. Sunny, low to mid 70's, slight breeze, no clouds. I don't know how I put up with snowly cold winters for so many years but I am so thankful to have a wonderful family living in our own little paradise. :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Photo shoot...

Here are a few of those facial expressions I mentioned in the last post. He's so precious!

What did you say, Mama??

Scrunchey nose at Lisa...

Graham checking out the dolphins.

Just finished his book and off to sleepy time after a long day at Sea World...

Ma Ma!!

Sunday was a very exciting day in the Palmer Household. It was Brandon's 34th Birthday and Graham gifted me by saying 'Ma ma' not once, not twice but THREE time! It was the best sound in the world!! Brandon told me on a few previous occasions that he might have heard him saying it but wasn't sure. However, when I heard it on Sunday I knew exactly what he was jabbering!

Graham gave his Daddy a gift card to play golf which was quickly redeemed that same day. It was sweet how Graham delivered it to his Birthday Daddy straight off of his breakfast tray covered in scrambled eggs. Brandon couldn't have been happier and Graham was very proud of himself to!

He's not much for crawling but he loves to throw and play catch. In fact, as I write this I am sitting on the floor with him tossing/rolling a ball back and forth. Every time it gets rolled to him he goes crazy and squeals with excitement. He holds the ball up high in the air and laughs then tosses it back to me. He is at such a fun age right now and we are really enjoying his sillyness and especially his facial expressions. I wish I could catch a photo of every one and save them forever.

He has two top teeth and two bottom teeth that he loves to show off. Just yesterday while he was throwing a mini fit, and he threw his head back with his mouth wide open (looking insanely similar to Stitch of Lilo and Stitch) I spotted two more top teeth popping in. Thank goodness for that fit, otherwise I might have missed out on the spotting of those teeth! :-)

Last Friday Graham and I visited our buddies at Sea World. He is so interested and amazed at everything he sees there now. It's been so fun to watch him as he grows in our trips there. The first few times he had no idea what was going on, the next few trips he started to look around some but was mostly hungry and tired. Now he is so engaged and excited about everything he sees. It's such a blast to take him and see that he has a passion for marine life like his mommy!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is February really over??!!

Can somebody please tell me what happened to the first 2 months of 2011 because I blinked and they disappeared! It's so crazy.

I'm sorry I've been a slacker and haven't been updating Graham's blog. He's at such a fun stage where he is always doing something fun and wanting for me to play with him so I've been doing that as much as I possibly can. When we're not playing I'm busy keeping laundry done, dishes washed, pets happy and oh yea, working 40 hours at my 'other job.' Funny though because I couldn't be happier! God is good and has blessed me with a feeling that many people lack in their lives-being completely content. It's amazing.

I don't think I shared with you all that I took a new position at the Zoo late last year. It allows me to have a much more flexible schedule, do conservation and education in the community and even go play in the Indian River Lagoon--the most amazing and biodiverse estuary ever! It's all that I could have dreamed up in a job and I absolutely love it. It's great to have the flexibility I need to work from home some and still get to do what I love so much.

With this job I get to spend more time with my little man, who is growing so fast. I hate to report that no, he's still not walking or even crawling for that matter but he's SO smart. He LOVES books. He can be upset and I take him into his room, he sees his bookshelf and just starts laughing. He will lay in his crib before falling asleep for a nap and 'read' 3 or 4 books over and over again. I love to sneak to the door and peek in and watch him just turn the pages (from back to front, of course which is SO cute) and jabber to himself.

I am so thankful for all of you that gave him books when he was born. They have truely been a HUGE part of his life. I also thank Lindsey for the great idea of asking for books rather than cards--I honestly think this has already made such a positive difference in his life.

His new thing is 'UH HO.' Everything is 'uh ho' and he will say it like 50 times in a row. It's precious. He loves when we say it with him. We barely get the 'ho' out and he's already halfway through hi 'uh'. :)
He's a super dancer. Can't crawl or walk but the boy will get down when he hears music, clapping, cheerleaders at a game, or sometimes for no reason at all he will just break out into a dance. He doesn't just contain this jig to his arms, or head either, oh's the whole body shaking and bobbing. Might just be the cutest thing I have ever soon.

Here's a video of him with his Cha-Cha Slide Snowman he got from Meme and Papaw Pop.