Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ma Ma!!

Sunday was a very exciting day in the Palmer Household. It was Brandon's 34th Birthday and Graham gifted me by saying 'Ma ma' not once, not twice but THREE time! It was the best sound in the world!! Brandon told me on a few previous occasions that he might have heard him saying it but wasn't sure. However, when I heard it on Sunday I knew exactly what he was jabbering!

Graham gave his Daddy a gift card to play golf which was quickly redeemed that same day. It was sweet how Graham delivered it to his Birthday Daddy straight off of his breakfast tray covered in scrambled eggs. Brandon couldn't have been happier and Graham was very proud of himself to!

He's not much for crawling but he loves to throw and play catch. In fact, as I write this I am sitting on the floor with him tossing/rolling a ball back and forth. Every time it gets rolled to him he goes crazy and squeals with excitement. He holds the ball up high in the air and laughs then tosses it back to me. He is at such a fun age right now and we are really enjoying his sillyness and especially his facial expressions. I wish I could catch a photo of every one and save them forever.

He has two top teeth and two bottom teeth that he loves to show off. Just yesterday while he was throwing a mini fit, and he threw his head back with his mouth wide open (looking insanely similar to Stitch of Lilo and Stitch) I spotted two more top teeth popping in. Thank goodness for that fit, otherwise I might have missed out on the spotting of those teeth! :-)

Last Friday Graham and I visited our buddies at Sea World. He is so interested and amazed at everything he sees there now. It's been so fun to watch him as he grows in our trips there. The first few times he had no idea what was going on, the next few trips he started to look around some but was mostly hungry and tired. Now he is so engaged and excited about everything he sees. It's such a blast to take him and see that he has a passion for marine life like his mommy!


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