Saturday, July 17, 2010

Counting my blessings...

This morning I got to do my favorite thing in the world...wake up snuggling my babies. :) My big one and little one. Now this is extra strange coming from me-seeing as how my favorite thing USED to be sleeping the entire day away but oh how my favorites have changed. At about 5 AM, Graham wakes up ready to eat. I hear him on the monitor and either B or I will get up and get him, bring him to our room and put him in the middle of our bed. I roll over, feed him and we both fall back asleep. Now if your one of those 'don't sleep with your baby' advocates, go visit another site but around this site...we love to snuggle. I get him in his crib 80% of the night but that other 20%--HE'S MINE!!!! :)

When he wakes up, he is overflowing with smiles and laughs. I hate that I miss this every day when I'm at work but it's the highlight of my weekends. We finally made our way out of bed at 9:45 (who says you can't teach your baby to sleep in?!) and I took him to his room to put on his adorable little sea turtle/camo outfit that I love so much. Instead I just sat in his glider (thanks Jamie! I love you!) and back and forth we went. I kept thinking about how amazing my life is and how blessed I am to have such a wonderful life. God is so great and has trusted me with 2 of the most amazing guys in this world to love and protect. He has given me a group of friends who are more amazing than anything I could of ever dreamed of. He has blessed me with a sister and mother who love me and my new family beyond expression. He has placed me into a family that was always amazing to my husband but has been so welcoming and now loves me like I have always been there. He has given me a cute house in the place I dreamed of living since I was a young girl and a job that I look forward to going to. I am so blessed. I am so thankful.

Let me challege you to stop for a few minutes and forget the bad and the ugly and think of the abundance of good and beautiful in your life. :) Sure...I give you permission to start with me. Hehe!

Graham just finished counting his...and boy is he tired! :)


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