Graham definitely got his water bug gene from his mommy! I haven't been around a ton of babies but I have never seen a child LOVES baths like my little fish. You put him in the tub and a smile consumes his entire face and the legs get to kicking. He does this adorable thing with his arms where he looks like he is doing a combination of throwing punches and the chicken dance. I could watch it for hours...and he could do it that long too but he'd turn into a raisin so we usually cut it short at about 20 minutes. Besides, I don't like raisins.
When bath time is over, Graham loves to lay in his changing pad portion of his pack and play and love on his paci (binky). He doesn't really like it often, but after bath time he loves to just lay wrapped in his towel relax with his paci.
Then Daddy and I rub him down with his night time Johnson's lotion and into his jammies he goes. He loves bath night and it's such a great time for us to just slow down and spend time together loving on each other as a family.