Labor for me was not like you see it in the movies. You know, the 'oh it's time, get the bag and meet me in the car NOW' kinda situation. Labor for me was 'hhhmmm, I think I just wet the bed...nope maybe not, yea maybe I did...I guess I'll shower now...hhhmmm, should I wake up Brandon, no I'm not in that hurts...maybe I am in labor...(shake Brandon, no response) I'm not in labor...oh my gosh, why am I in such pain...(shake Brandon harder)...I think we're about to have a baby...oh no I'm not...yea theres time for you to shower....oh wait I need to be in an ambulance NOW!' As you can see it was very back and forth. This lasted the whole way to Eau Gallie High to write his lesson plan and on to the hospital. Sure enough, my water had broke and I was in full blown labor, I guess I'm just a tough guy (ha ha yea right) and was able to handle the pain differently.
In the hospital at 7 AM, epidural by 9:30 AM, started pushing at 1:40 and had a perfect healthy son by 2:13 PM. God is good.
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