During the first 3 years of marriage Brandon and I played and we played hard! We went to countless professional and college baseball and football games, frequented Sea World so often they probably know our names, racked up frequent flyer miles traveling to Chicago, KY, MD, and tons of trips to LA. We watched movies, Broadway plays, musicals, rode roller coasters, explored underwater caves, ate picnics and took many self guided kayak tours. We've watched hundreds of baketball games-from high school to NBA and I've enjoyed the transformation of my husband into a passionate coach. You name a zoo or aquarium in FL and I bet we've been there.
But in June of 2009 we cruised the Bahamas on a trip that would forever change our lives. Somewhere between Miami, FL and Atlantas, Nassau we experienced God's most amazing miracle--and I'm not talking about the cruiselines to-die for sour apple martini, although they are SOOOOO good!
Our dream was coming to life...in the form of little Graham.
Oh-and about those martinis...he turned out ok so I guess I didn't drink too many. ;)
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