Monday, May 20, 2013

Gratification from simplification

So lately I've been really trying to simplify my life.  Getting rid of stuff we don't need, not committing to more than I can handle, chilling out with the social media, working smarter and not harder at the Zoo.  It's been great, I'm getting so much pleasure from these cut backs.  It's almost become a challenge on how much I can do without and still live comfortably and it's amazing how much 'stuff' (emotional, physical, mental) we hold onto and don't need to.  I know I tend to go through phases and I hope this one sticks for a good long while, if not forever.  Once I get a little confidence in it I'll be challenging others to do the same because it's more refreshing than you could ever imagine!!  I actually keep getting emails for different apps and programs and they annoy me so much because there is just SO much unnecessary junk out there.  Needless to say, I've been 'unsubscribing' from everything and I'm down to about 5 personal emails/day and I LOVE IT!!!  (I used to get about 25).

Anyway, lets talk about my favorite subject...Graham!  We had a great weekend. Saturday was spent by the pool and playing in the yard, enjoying this beautiful FL spring.  Sunday was spent split between work and play in New Smyrna Beach.  We unloaded oyster mats, make some oyster shell bags for restoration and relaxed on the beach and had ice cream (which Graham didn't eat...what?!?!).  It was perfect and amazing and all that a great weekend should be.
All played out

Graham will be moving from 3 days/week to 2 days/week for summer.  He will spend the other days home with either Brandon or I.  Brandon will be at the school a lot working with his basketball guys and Graham will be in tow some of these days.  Graham loves the gym and being around the older boys.  He is a great little ball boy from what I hear and has learned how to blow a whistle.

With the move to 2 days/week at school he will be in a new classroom with a new teacher.  I see many meltdowns in our future, as Graham HATES change but we do love his new teacher and her enthusiasm.  She loves Jesus and is always smiling and they even have a pet hamster named Winsten!  He will hopefully settle in nicely.

I hope everyone has a great week!


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