I'm sorry I've been a slacker and haven't been updating Graham's blog. He's at such a fun stage where he is always doing something fun and wanting for me to play with him so I've been doing that as much as I possibly can. When we're not playing I'm busy keeping laundry done, dishes washed, pets happy and oh yea, working 40 hours at my 'other job.' Funny though because I couldn't be happier! God is good and has blessed me with a feeling that many people lack in their lives-being completely content. It's amazing.
I don't think I shared with you all that I took a new position at the Zoo late last year. It allows me to have a much more flexible schedule, do conservation and education in the community and even go play in the Indian River Lagoon--the most amazing and biodiverse estuary ever! It's all that I could have dreamed up in a job and I absolutely love it. It's great to have the flexibility I need to work from home some and still get to do what I love so much.
With this job I get to spend more time with my little man, who is growing so fast. I hate to report that no, he's still not walking or even crawling for that matter but he's SO smart. He LOVES books. He can be upset and I take him into his room, he sees his bookshelf and just starts laughing. He will lay in his crib before falling asleep for a nap and 'read' 3 or 4 books over and over again. I love to sneak to the door and peek in and watch him just turn the pages (from back to front, of course which is SO cute) and jabber to himself.
I am so thankful for all of you that gave him books when he was born. They have truely been a HUGE part of his life. I also thank Lindsey for the great idea of asking for books rather than cards--I honestly think this has already made such a positive difference in his life.
His new thing is 'UH HO.' Everything is 'uh ho' and he will say it like 50 times in a row. It's precious. He loves when we say it with him. We barely get the 'ho' out and he's already halfway through hi 'uh'. :)
He's a super dancer. Can't crawl or walk but the boy will get down when he hears music, clapping, cheerleaders at a game, or sometimes for no reason at all he will just break out into a dance. He doesn't just contain this jig to his arms, or head either, oh no....it's the whole body shaking and bobbing. Might just be the cutest thing I have ever soon.
Here's a video of him with his Cha-Cha Slide Snowman he got from Meme and Papaw Pop.
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