I just got off the phone with my sister and she was telling me how much her sons Gregory and Devin love to watch baby Graham on his blog. So it inspired me to get with it and provide those sweet nephews of mine a few more videos so they don't have to watch the same ones over and over.
Such a big boy with his spoon. Now if only he could find that pesky mouth...
Another 'Baby Concert.' He loves when his daddy sings to him. Apparently so does Devin because he claps when the Baby Concert videos end. :) Love him.
He loves the camera. When we get it out, he turns into such a ham. No idea where he gets that from! ;)
He is getting really good with the roll over thing. He can go both left and right now.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Sleepy Time Pictures
Since Graham began rolling over he is always making his way to his belly and falling asleep. He will be in the middle of playing (as pictured) or just hanging out in his crib and flip over and it's like he hits a "sleepy switch" and passes out. The first time I found him like this was last week when I went in to get him for his 5 AM feeding and he was on his belly-I thought it was the funniest thing. He was grunting and moaning and I couldn't help but laugh.
He is so sweet when he wakes up and is all smiles and laughs.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Time flies-when your having fun!
I can't believe my little baby is already 5 months old! He is growing up to be such a sweet boy already. His little personality is starting to show already with the way he laughs and giggles at everything we say and do. He even does this cute litte thing where we will both by lying on our backs and he rolls to the side and grabs at me (or Brandon) and when we look over at him he rolls onto his back and just laughs and laughs. It's adorable.
His new thing is right before he falls asleep he rolls over onto his belly. Since starting this his naps have almost tripled in length! He sleeps SO good on his belly. We get nervous and go check on him a lot more now to make sure his head is turned to the side so he can breath but he doesn't seem to have any problems with his new position. He is such a wonderful sleeper. As long as his tummy is full he will let us sleep till about 4 or 5 am before he wants to get up and eat. After that feeding it's right back to sleep until 8 or so. Usually another snack and he's back to sleep again (sometimes). We couldn't have prayed up a better baby!
Our schedule has been a little hectic lately. I've been working a lot on weekends since B is home. We just don't feel right about putting him in day care yet. He is doing so many new things and discovering so much already and I love to be home to watch it or know that Brandon is there to see it. It makes our evenings together so much more precious than they ever were before since thats our family time. We have been running at night and Graham is such a trooper. He gets buckled into his jogging stroller, slouches down, leans back and holds onto his little tray and off we go. The longest we've gone was just over 3 miles and he hung in there the whole time! He likes to watch everything go by really fast so he never gets fussy on our runs. I love it because we are all together yet I am still getting to do something for myself which is a nice treat. (never thought I'd say running was a 'nice treat'...but as they say...a baby changes everything!)
The cereal eating is going well. We usually have one bowl each evening. We are trying to stick with the whole grain cereal (instead of rice) to start him off on the right foot with the nutrition thing. I am actually researching how to make homemade baby food so we don't have to buy all the stuff with preservatives and junk. :) I am really excited about the idea of making his food for him, or continuing to make for him I guess I should say! Who would have thought that is something I would have gotten excited about! Like I said before...a baby changes everything!
Although he is only 5 months, he is filling out 6-9 month clothes very nicely. I just bought a couple pairs of new PJ's for him and went ahead and got the 9-12 month so we could get more use out of them! I can't believe he is growing so fast. When we hold him like a baby (craddled) we always laugh because it feels so silly to hold such a big baby that way. It just doesn't seem right. Of course, he just giggles and giggles when we do this. He's so precious.
We are really looking forward to early September. He will get to see his Papaw and Gram (Dennis and Pat) and his Mawmaw (my mom) all in the SAME WEEK! :) And it just happens to fall on Sunday, Sept 12 which is Grandparents Day! How perfect! He is so blessed to have wonderful Grandparents who love him.
His new thing is right before he falls asleep he rolls over onto his belly. Since starting this his naps have almost tripled in length! He sleeps SO good on his belly. We get nervous and go check on him a lot more now to make sure his head is turned to the side so he can breath but he doesn't seem to have any problems with his new position. He is such a wonderful sleeper. As long as his tummy is full he will let us sleep till about 4 or 5 am before he wants to get up and eat. After that feeding it's right back to sleep until 8 or so. Usually another snack and he's back to sleep again (sometimes). We couldn't have prayed up a better baby!
Our schedule has been a little hectic lately. I've been working a lot on weekends since B is home. We just don't feel right about putting him in day care yet. He is doing so many new things and discovering so much already and I love to be home to watch it or know that Brandon is there to see it. It makes our evenings together so much more precious than they ever were before since thats our family time. We have been running at night and Graham is such a trooper. He gets buckled into his jogging stroller, slouches down, leans back and holds onto his little tray and off we go. The longest we've gone was just over 3 miles and he hung in there the whole time! He likes to watch everything go by really fast so he never gets fussy on our runs. I love it because we are all together yet I am still getting to do something for myself which is a nice treat. (never thought I'd say running was a 'nice treat'...but as they say...a baby changes everything!)
The cereal eating is going well. We usually have one bowl each evening. We are trying to stick with the whole grain cereal (instead of rice) to start him off on the right foot with the nutrition thing. I am actually researching how to make homemade baby food so we don't have to buy all the stuff with preservatives and junk. :) I am really excited about the idea of making his food for him, or continuing to make for him I guess I should say! Who would have thought that is something I would have gotten excited about! Like I said before...a baby changes everything!
Although he is only 5 months, he is filling out 6-9 month clothes very nicely. I just bought a couple pairs of new PJ's for him and went ahead and got the 9-12 month so we could get more use out of them! I can't believe he is growing so fast. When we hold him like a baby (craddled) we always laugh because it feels so silly to hold such a big baby that way. It just doesn't seem right. Of course, he just giggles and giggles when we do this. He's so precious.
We are really looking forward to early September. He will get to see his Papaw and Gram (Dennis and Pat) and his Mawmaw (my mom) all in the SAME WEEK! :) And it just happens to fall on Sunday, Sept 12 which is Grandparents Day! How perfect! He is so blessed to have wonderful Grandparents who love him.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Play Time
Just a cute video of Graham at 4 1/2 months. He is getting bigger by the second and his little personality is really starting to show. He is SO happy all the time and smiles and laughs at everything Brandon and I do. He is a total ham for the camera and loves when I video him and then flip the screen back so he can watch himself while I'm recording. My sis says her youngest son does the same thing...they must just realize early how terribly handsome they are! :)
The part in this video when Brandon walks by and Graham stares him down like 'hey, you know the rule--you can't walk by me and not tell me how cute I am' makes me laugh every time I watch it.
Last night we gave Graham his first taste of cereal. As we expected, we took very well to the possibility of a change...especially something involving food. He is known for having quite the appetite (I know thats hard for some of you to believe, since he looks like he's just wasting away to nothing) so we were happy to see him welcome the slight change in diet.
His first reaction was something of curiousity, second reaction was a little bit of a gag (which he does ALL the time when he's nibbling on his fingers, should result in some humorous dentist visits), third and most anticipated reaction was...GIVE ME MORE...NOW!
I plan to continue nursing, however I was just having a hard time keeping the supply up with his demand so it came time to supplement one meal. I think it will be a great addition to his diet and although I love nursing and the bonding time it provides for us, it will relieve some pressure for me.
The video is not as long as some others we have but the site doesn't like for me to download the big ones. Enjoy! :)
His first reaction was something of curiousity, second reaction was a little bit of a gag (which he does ALL the time when he's nibbling on his fingers, should result in some humorous dentist visits), third and most anticipated reaction was...GIVE ME MORE...NOW!
I plan to continue nursing, however I was just having a hard time keeping the supply up with his demand so it came time to supplement one meal. I think it will be a great addition to his diet and although I love nursing and the bonding time it provides for us, it will relieve some pressure for me.
The video is not as long as some others we have but the site doesn't like for me to download the big ones. Enjoy! :)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
On a roll...
Since birth Graham has never been a huge fan of a paci/binky. But lately he has really taken to sucking his right thumb. He has always favored his right side by most often looking to the right, rolling to his right and now this with the thumb. When I was young I always sucked my left thumb so I try to tell him that he should try out the other side, but he seems happy with the right one. :) Brandon said we should try to teach him how to play catch left handed so if he's a pitcher one day he's a south paw--since they are rare. We'll see. :) I'm a lefty so I'd love to have him be one too. I'd like to think us leftys are in our 'right mind.'
I've been meaning to get a video of him rolling on here for a while. He started a few weeks back but just recently mastered it. Now he can actually roll over in the little space on his tummy time mat. Sometimes he gets himself turned so he's going perpendicular to the mat. It's so funny to watch him try to wiggle around. He gets a little frusterated once he rolls over and realizes that he's stuck on his belly. More reason why he will probably learn the roll back over onto his back sooner than later. Enjoy!
I've been meaning to get a video of him rolling on here for a while. He started a few weeks back but just recently mastered it. Now he can actually roll over in the little space on his tummy time mat. Sometimes he gets himself turned so he's going perpendicular to the mat. It's so funny to watch him try to wiggle around. He gets a little frusterated once he rolls over and realizes that he's stuck on his belly. More reason why he will probably learn the roll back over onto his back sooner than later. Enjoy!
Baby Concerts
The video attached is what we call 'Baby Concert.' Before Graham we would often have 'Kitty Concerts' and 'Puppy Concerts.' Most songs are changed so that they fit the situation.
Ex: Puppy Concert
Song: Feed Wrigley (Like Feed Jake)
Lyrics: Feed Wrigley, he's been a good dog. My best friend, right through it all. If I die before I wake...feed Wrigley.
Another Ex: Kitty Concert Song: Amazing Grace (Cat's name is Grace)...you get the point.
Graham loves his 'Baby Concerts' He gets to bouncing in his jump-a-roo thing and sometimes I wonder if he's going to shoot himself right out of that thing. He loves his daddy and when he's serenading him. I love to watch. :)
Ex: Puppy Concert
Song: Feed Wrigley (Like Feed Jake)
Lyrics: Feed Wrigley, he's been a good dog. My best friend, right through it all. If I die before I wake...feed Wrigley.
Another Ex: Kitty Concert Song: Amazing Grace (Cat's name is Grace)...you get the point.
Graham loves his 'Baby Concerts' He gets to bouncing in his jump-a-roo thing and sometimes I wonder if he's going to shoot himself right out of that thing. He loves his daddy and when he's serenading him. I love to watch. :)
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Graham Palmer
- About me...Graham Crackers
- Palm Bay, Florida, United States
- Welcome to Graham's new and improved site. Although he is really tech savvy and loves his iPod touch, commonly refereed to as 'Jam's Phone' by him, most of the blogging will be done by me, Jody. Hope you enjoy reading about his adventures as much as we enjoy living them! :)